Merry Christmas!!


We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year! Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another great year! See you all on Monday the 6th of …Continue reading →

Sam Maguire Came to Visit!


Friday the 6th of December was a very exciting day for all the children and staff because the SAM MAGUIRE CUP came to the school and what made it even more special was a past pupil Eric Lowndes, a Dublin …Continue reading →

Winners of The Water Tips Writing & Poster Competition!


The three winners of the writing competition are Grace Kakese, Gavin Kinsella and Ryan Roe Mooney from 1st and 2nd classes.     Read and learn how to save water by Grace; Water is important we have to try and save water. …Continue reading →



Class Calendars are on sale now!! Sample calendars can be found on classroom windows and on the notice board at the main office! Buy 1 = €3.50 2 = €6.00 3 = €9.00  Orders to be made by DATE EXTENDED …Continue reading →

Parent Teacher Meetings.


Parent Teacher Meetings   are being held for all children (except Early Start)   on Thursday 21st November.   Each parent will be given an allocated time. Please re-schedule with the teacher if the time given does not suit.   …Continue reading →

Maths Survey for Parents.


Dear Parents / Guardians,   We would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete the attached questionnaire in relation to maths and your child.   This will form part of the School Self Evaluation Process …Continue reading →

Halloween Fundraiser Disco!!


On Friday the 25th of October Scoil Mhuire held a Halloween disco for all classes! The children & teachers made a special effort and came to school dressed up. We had princes, princesses, zombies, witches, devils, skeletons, pirates, dead dolls …Continue reading →

Amazing food art!


Miss Champkin’s second class have been learning about food. They looked at some pictures by the artist Arcimboldo who uses food to create shapes in his paintings. Next they used some food to make these amazing pieces of art! They …Continue reading →

Have a look at the art gallery section!


The art gallery has been updated with some more excellent art work. Here are a handful of the pictures. Go to the art gallery section for more!

Little update from Senior Infants!


Miss Haddow’s class won a trophy for being the best at recycling and trying to save energy! Well done! Last week was Maths week. We got to play some fun maths games. We sorted some leaves into sizes and colours …Continue reading →

All Ireland Hip Hop Dancer Champion!!!


Everyone in Scoil Mhuire Junior would like to congratulate and say a massive well done to a very talented girl in 1st class who is now the All Ireland Hip Hop Dancer Champion!!  She came in 1st place in the …Continue reading →



The parents doing the jewelry course are making fantastic pieces! They are better than any you would find in a shop!!!

Pet Visitors!!


All the children and teachers were very excited when three pets visited our school! Fluffy and Poppy two rabbits and Penny the Goldfish paid the school a visit. The owners of the rabbits Fallon and Brandon showed and chatted to …Continue reading →

Story bags week 2


Story bags is in full swing in the Parent’s Room. There are some great artists to be found…..Our Parents are very creative indeed!!!!!  

Tree Day


Scoil Mhuire Junior, had a super Tree Day, Lá na gCrann. The weather was beautiful. It was a joy to see all the classes exploring the outside world around the school. We are so lucky with our school grounds and the …Continue reading →

Look at our lovely work!!


Have a look at some of our lovely work! Early start did some great crepe paper pictures Junior Infants did some beautiful colouring & self portraits. Senior Infants were busy finger painting and drawing self portraits! First Class have done …Continue reading →

Protest against Increase in Class Size Wednesday 2nd October, 4.30pm


Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn is looking at raising the pupil-teacher ratio in schools in order to save money in the upcoming budget. Ireland already has the second highest class size in Europe. This would severely impact on …Continue reading →

We have been busy planting and harvesting vegetables!!


Second class were busy working away at the raised planting beds today! We harvested the carrots and the beetroot first and then Deirdre and Cáitlín helped us to plant onions,garlic and lettuce and cabbage! We hope the slugs do not …Continue reading →

Home School Courses


Hi everyone, I hope you are all settling back to Scoil Mhuire! Time for courses to begin again. The starting date is the first week of October…..So please hurry and sign up. Lots on offer; computer, crafts, Maths, Storybags, Internet …Continue reading →

Junior Infants ~ Aistear


Junior Infants will be starting a new programme called Aistear. For more information and to keep up to date on the new topics and photos just check out our new page called AISTEAR! The new page can be found under …Continue reading →

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