Physical Activity


Our Active School Chant


Mini Leagues


Congratulations to the boys and girls who participated in our Mini Leagues Competition yesterday!!

Winners: Netherlands

Runners Up: Greece

Active Break Everyday Challenge!

The last week of every month, we take on the Active Break Everyday Challenge!

On #FeelGoodFriday we celebrate!

We are looking forward to May!!!

Winners DISCO!!


Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Easter Egg Hunt

Junior Infants brought activity to our Easter Celebrations. The weather wasn’t co-operating so the Easter Egg Hunt was brought indoors!!


The girls and boys in 2nd Class are competing in a fun Mini League competition! The children have been assigned to 4 teams! The leader board is on the wall outside the classroom! Let’s see which country will win!

Run Around Ireland

The students of Scoil Mhuire Junior have been running laps of the school in order to reach different places around Ireland!

First Stop: The Spire – 13km

Playground Leaders

Well done to our Playground Leaders who are doing a fantastic job keeping everyone active during break time!

Scoot 2 School!

Green Schools Parade

Our Green Team adopted an active aspect to our new Global Citizenship Green flag!

Christmas Show-ho-ho-ho

Christmas was a hive of activity here in Scoil Mhuire Junior! This year our traditional Christmas performances took an active turn! We have spent weeks practicing our amazing dance routines! Take a look at some of our Christmas Dance Performances! The children in Scoil Mhuire Junior did an amazing job!

Dance Rehersals!

Lights… Camera… Action!!!

The children are busy dancing their days away preparing for their Christmas Dance Extravaganza!! You are all doing an amazing job!

Active Walkway!

Take a look at our Active Walkway! Even the teachers had to give it a go!

Walk on Wednesday

Take a look at all the boys and girls in Scoil Mhuire Junior being active on their journey to school! Each child who was active got a sticker from the Active School Team at the gates of the school!

Active Break Everyday Challenge!

Take a look at our previous celebrations of our Active Break Everyday!


Winners DISCO!!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Winners DISCO!!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Winners DISCO!!

Due to weather conditions, this months disco was held indoors!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Winners DISCO!!

Active Break Everyday December Challenge!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Winners DISCO!!

Active Break Everyday November Challenge!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Spooky Winners


Active Break Everyday October Challenge!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a SPOOKY and active reward!

Winners DISCO!!

Active Break Everyday September Challenge!



Every class completing the challenge will participate in a fun active reward!

Sports Day 2021