Intercultural Celebration! What A Day!


Intercultural Celebration 


What a day we had for our Intercultural Celebration this year! The sun was shining so we were able to hold the celebrations outside!


Each class level took it in turns to parade through the school and then came outside to preform. The audience heard facts about all different countries, listened to songs and poems and watched great dance performances!


Thank You to all of the parents and guardians who helped out in a huge way bringing in items from their countries and also baking and cooking lots of delicious food from all around the world!


Thanks so much to all of the children and teachers for their hard work! A special thank to you to Caitlin for organising such a fantastic event!

A day thoroughly enjoyed by all!!

Intercultural Celebration 2015


Categories: Scoil Mhuire
This post was written by , posted on June 14, 2015 Sunday at 5:01 pm

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